27 oct 2008

Reunión initial con los tutores / Initial Form Teacher Meeting.

Estimados padres y madres:

El próximo miércoles día 29 a las 18:00 horas será la reunión inicial con los tutores y tutoras de sus hijas/os. En esta reunión se tratarán aspectos del interés de todos como son características de la clase, convivencia, hábitos de estudio, actividades….
Se convoca a todos los padres y madres y se ruega la máxima asistencia y puntualidad. Gracias
Atte. El tutor/a

Dear Parents,
On Wednesday 29th of October at 18:00 the initial meeting with your child's form teacher will take place. This meeting will cover many topics of interest including: Study habits, class characteristics, daily relationships/getting along with each other, class activities etc...
Please can all parents try and attend and also please arrive on time.
Thank you
(Even if you do not understand any Spanish please attend as it is important for your child's education for you to know what is happening at school. There is always someone that can interpret and answer your questions)